Video: Elie Wiesel on Universal Lessons from the Holocaust

There is perhaps no single event that presents a greater challenge to Christian and Jewish religious identity–indeed, to human identity–than the Holocaust.  It is also, I believe, a necessary and foundational event that has and should color our interpretation of the biblical text (see HERE). 

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and author of one of the most powerful, moving, and transforming books I have ever read–Night–speaks on memory, remembering, and the Holocaust.  The first video is from Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Museum.  The second is fairly recent (June 2009) at Buchenwald, where Wiesel was held prior to be transferred to Auschwitz.

There is a beauty, a power, a mystery in  his words and voice.  It moves me like little else does.  I invite you to watch–or at least listen–to these videos and think deeply about the words being shared.

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